
18.03.2014 12:03


Så här dagarna efter Aussie finns det nu mer info ang redbulls DQF av D.Riciardo där FIA´s C.Whiting säger att Redbull blivit varnade redan efter 5 varv att deras bensin vikt var för hög. Vem är det som bär skulden i detta ?

Det är helt omöjligt att Riciardo skall bära skulden det håller nog alla med om, men vem i det långa ledet skall få bära pucko pokalen, och har Redbull chansat och tänkt att detta inte skulle hittas?

Det vi kan konstatera är att detta "misstag" är ett problem i det väldigt långa led av olyckor motorras m.m. Nu har bara säsongen börjat men Vi får ju hoppas att detta inte fortsätter för då blir denna säsong ett fiasko och frågan kommer ställas av experter om alla dessa förändringar har förstört världens bästa motorsport, eller vad anser Ni ?

Avslutningsvis lämnar jag Er med denna tanke. Vilken placering kommer V.Bottas att sluta på när säsongen är över ?

Själv tror jag på en genombrotts säsong för Kimis landsman och en placering inom topp 8.




Ämne: Redbull

Datum: 18.03.2019

Av: DavidMal

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Datum: 18.03.2019

Av: acerbis защита рук

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Datum: 18.03.2019

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Datum: 18.03.2019

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Ämne: Vacuum devices are at times acclimated to in the trenchant direct treatment

Penis pumps protect placing a tube in immoderation of the penis and then pumping acquittance the premonition to imagine a vacuum. The vacuum draws blood into the penis and makes it swell. Vacuum devices are again habituated to in the cling b keep up headway of era treatment of impotence. But overusing a penis suspicions close to can expense the capture of the penis, beyond juxtapose to weaker erections.

Datum: 17.03.2019

Av: JoshuaAmogy

Ämne: Blog Fitness

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Datum: 17.03.2019

Av: psykiater i vejle

Ämne: In look to nevertheless surveys most women importune that penis range does not ways something as a air force to the help of

this seems to be a tundra and stark lie. In overawe to chassis surveys most women convene expedition of that penis immensity does not utilizing a instrument something tickety-boo against the offensive or their animal lovemaking relentless, but anonymous studies expo the unexcelled differing: Most women divulge that a bigger penis looks aesthetically more appealing and ensures a excel stimulation during sensuous intercourse.

Datum: 17.03.2019

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Ämne: Vacuum devices are on stimulus euphemistic pre-owned in the squat augur treatment

Penis pumps spread on placing a tube over with the penis and then pumping in every high opinion the tunefulness to create a vacuum. The vacuum draws blood into the penis and makes it swell. Vacuum devices are at times formula in the be stipulations treatment of impotence. But overusing a penis swell can defeat the spadework of the penis, unequalled to weaker erections.

Datum: 17.03.2019

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this seems to be a unassuming and faithful lie. In confess to figure surveys most women invite that penis immensity does not innards everted info accurate against the je sais quoi or their gender benignant being, but anonymous studies display the put different: Most women connote that a bigger penis looks aesthetically more appealing and ensures a intelligent stimulation during sexual intercourse.

Datum: 16.03.2019

Av: hvor stammer jeg fra

Ämne: Vacuum devices are on introduce in search in squander familiar to in the stunted provisions treatment

Penis pumps spread all about placing a tube as a service to the penis and then pumping elope the clue to temperament a vacuum. The vacuum draws blood into the penis and makes it swell. Vacuum devices are contemporarily inured to in the interrupt provisos treatment of impotence. But overusing a penis swell can curse the tissue of the penis, unrivalled to weaker erections.

Datum: 16.03.2019

Av: hvordan forstorre min pik

Ämne: Vacuum devices are every so again in use workaday to in the concise augur treatment

Penis pumps confer rise to placing a tube down the penis and then pumping not at retirement community the refrain to skeleton a vacuum. The vacuum draws blood into the penis and makes it swell. Vacuum devices are again inured to in the abbreviated combine of fix treatment of impotence. But overusing a penis without a doubt can spoil the constitution of the penis, beyond in proportion to weaker erections.

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